Concrete Pier System 

If you are experiencing symptoms of foundation damage in your  home, call our experts at United Structural Systems right away. Our team of foundation stabilization experts in Charleston will conduct a thorough inspection and recommend solutions for repairing the damage and preventing it from happening again in the future. Foundation issues can occur at any time. If left unaddressed, foundation damage will only worsen, and can cause costly structural damage to your home. 

At United Structural Systems, our foundation repair experts have extensive experience   in home foundation stabilization  in the Charleston area. After we identify the underlying causes of your foundation issues, we will recommend an appropriate solution and provide a free estimate for any necessary repairs. Our solutions are well suited for the local  weather and soil conditions, and we offer several options for foundation repair and support. One of these solutions is the installation of a concrete pier system for your Charleston home.

What is a concrete pier system?

Concrete foundation piers are a more economical solution than steel foundation piers. Inserted into the soil surrounding your home, they provide extra foundation support. A concrete pier system differs from helical piers or push piers, which are made from steel. Concrete foundation piers cannot be installed deeply into the soil, so they don’t reach below unstable soil that may have caused the foundation to settle. Due to their more shallow position, they don’t provide the same level of support as other pier support solutions, and because of its composition, concrete will eventually degrade over time. Therefore, concrete foundation piers aren’t a long-term solution for foundation repair and support.

Why choose a concrete pier system?

Given the limitations, why would a concrete pier system from our Charleston foundation stabilization experts be a good solution for your  home? One of the main reasons is due to its economic nature. Foundation issues don’t always happen at a convenient time. If longer-term repair solutions are out of your budget, concrete piers may be a good alternative. 

We’re proud to support homeowners in Charleston  for all of their foundation stabilization and repair needs. At United Structural Systems, our goal is to help you find the best solution for your home. We will work with you to stabilize your foundation and make it safe for your family. Our dedicated team provides the highest quality work and customer service. Contact us today to schedule your free inspection and estimate!